Paul Deis - Home Page
Hello! Welcome to my personal and business
web site!
As you can see, this site was originally built for
business purposes, and I recently decided to use it as a combination
site including both professional work I've done throughout my career,
adding new interests and functions to support my current interests, now
that I am semi-retired.
These interests include health, in every sense of
the word, so please check out the new Health page.
Other new pages include Publications, and a
Professional summary page, which describes my professional working
career. My last full-time job was in 2020, at American Homes 4
Rent, and I have been semi-retired since April of that year when I was
released in an IT re-organization along with 14 others at the Agoura
Hills corporate office.
I hope you find the site interesting, not tooooo
overwhelming in an era where 100 words is 95 too many for almost
everything. I've been busy for the last 40 years, so there's a lot
Please feel free to email me about anything on the
site, download anything you like, etc.
I plan on additional updates as I expand the new
pages and improve the accessibility and readability of other materials.
Along with the new pages, also on the site is additional background
information on my career, success stories, articles in a blog which I
have not kept active for several years, but which has several excellent
articles and presentations, plus two separate "sub" web sites - Best
Practices articles, and the AIMS/ERP sub-site, which showcases the
full-scale ERP system I design, managed the development of,
implementation, and for a time, sale to customers.
Thanks for visiting!