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Best Practice -   2d Essential Factor - Effective Enterprise Systems & Processes

The articles below were written as an integral part of a planned and partly completed book on best practices and thus are arranged in sections of related topics, part of the detailed outline and plan for the book.  They are organized around the Best Practice Perspectives, or what we identify as the 4 Essential Factors for a Best Practice company.  Click on the "Article PDF" to download the PDF of that article.  Topics & articles:

Effective Enterprise Systems - In this article on the 4 Essential Factors that comprise the Path to Best Practices we focus on Effective Enterprise Systems and Processes.  Having an effective software system coupled with functioning business processes is a critical foundation for performance improvement efforts.  Article PDF

Implementation - Preparation - The preparation process – i.e., the “front-end” of a Best Practice enterprise software implementation project sets the basis for what follows..  This article explains the common thread of ownership and effective leadership upon which a successful, low-risk implementation project is based.  Article PDF. 

Implementation - Best Practice Teamss- the project team's composition is critical, of course.  So why is it so often that the "3rd string players" are put on this vital team?  This article provides guidelines and insight into how to select team members who will be capable of a "1st string" project completion. Article PDF.

Implementation - CRP Preparation - Building on the top management communication and interface work, team selection, and the preparations for the Conference Room Pilot (CRP), in this article, we'll get into the specifics of what an effective CRP absolutely MUST cover, and cover well.  Article PDF.

Marketing & Sales Best Practices - Does your company have “too much success” in the marketing and selling area?  No?  Really?  We thought so.  Well, you are not alone – this is one of the least understood, least worked on, most universal performance improvement opportunities, applicable to almost every firm.  The message here is that Best Practice marketing and sales is a defined, understood, improve-able process, with its own performance metrics, business processes, systems, and continuous improvement program.  Article PDF.

Outsourcing - Best Practice Impact - This article explores the practice of outsourcing of critical parts, products, services and processes.  There are a number of impacts on the “host” company’s ability to improve performance – achieve and sustain Best Practice status in key areas.  The message in this article is that there is a Best Practice to the process of outsourcing – a best way to initiate it, select products or services for outsourcing, select the appropriate supplier, and to manage the resulting, altered ongoing business process.  Article PDF

Enterprise Systems Implementation Best Practices - Booklet - this is a collection in booklet form of the four implementation-specific systems articles above.  It does not include the Market & Sales Best Practice, nor the Outsourcing - Best Practice Impact articles.  It is avaialble in printed form on our e-store at or here as a Booklet PDF. 


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