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Best Practice Series - Overview

This section of the web site is focused on the works we've authored on Best Practices, that elusive "holy grail" of business policy, practices, continuous improvements and just plain wishfulness in some cases. 

Best Practice Perspectives - To put the question of "Best Practices" in perspective here are two articles we've authored:

The Path to Best Practices - What IS a “Best Practice?” The most common definition is that these are the practices
used by the most admired, most successful, or most profitable corporations. Another is that a given Best Practice is the “best way” that has been developed thus far to do something.  Article PDF.

Best Practices - China & Elsewhere - This article recaps material from our previous newsletters on leadership, best practice cultures, and the 4 Essential Factors that constitute the Best Practice Path.  Here, we discuss these in the context of the rapidly emerging, highly dynamic, complex business and government environment that is business in China today.   Article PDF.

Many seem to believe that if the procedures and systems used at an industry leading company are transplanted into one's own company, that similar results will occur.  Sometimes they do, but usually not for long.  The reason for this is that all best practices, in the end, are derived from and get their energy and power from the fundamental, or base culture pervasive throughout any company.

So the question becomes - "What is a Best Practice Culture?"   For the leadership and culture of a company literally determine almost everything else - certainly the bulk of what practices it adopts, how effective its ability to continuously improve its performance over long periods of time - and in a predictable fashion - as well as more subtle questions as to how well it develops, mentors, and grows its people at all levels.

We decided to articulate answers to the question of "What is a Best Practice Culture" by first developing a detailed outline for a book on the topic, then authoring considerable portions of the book in a series of short, more readable articles, each of which stands pretty much on its own, published in a regular newsletter to subscribers over a period of about 9 months.  I also have been a public speaker on the topic.  The book remains incomplete at this point in time, although the enterprise systems-related articles are available in a printed booklet or PDF download from this site on the Enterprise Systems & Processes page.

The core message here is what we articulate as the 4 Essential Factors of Best Practice Cultures.  Click on each of the Essential Factors to navigate to a page containing articles we authored on that Factor.

These are:

  1st - Effective Leadership & Culture

  2d - Effective Enterprise Systems & Processes

  3rd- Continuous Improvement Process

  4th - Education & Training 

Each of these sections has articles in PDF format available for download.  Some of these have also been published in my blog on this site. 


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